Tequila Mockingbird

This is not a conversation that should have had to exist.

What a dear, beautiful girl. Much love.

Gah. One of the first etiquette lessons I learned was “You don’t ask for presents unless someone asks you what you want.”

Our brains are mysterious places, so I can’t blame them for being attracted to images which disgust most of us. But ACTING on those feelings? No. Never. All the blame.

Comment was response to “we recognize that fully resolving our brand challenges in California will require sustained focus and commitment to correct misinformation.”

I just found out my BIL, who is of retirement age, spends hours a day trolling Reddit. I have always disliked the guy - I think he basically ruined my sister’s life - but it’s pretty fucking creepy that some 70-ish asshole with a Duck Dynasty beard is sitting behind his Dell for hours a day stirring up shit on Reddit.


I’d rather have accents than to try and figure out which vowel goes with the goddamn schwa this time.

Any abortion is a standard part of women’s healthcare, the course of which is decided by a woman and her doctor.

Taxpayers already didn’t pay for abortions at Planned Parenthood. They did, however, pay for other necessary health services, like cancer screenings.

My BFF has the opposite problem. Her family is from southern Texas, which was Mexico until it wasn’t about 4 generations ago. She looks and is Latina and speaks Spanish and English perfectly well. She has had people accuse her of being an illegal immigrant. She tells them “We didn’t cross the border. The border

These old fucking entitled white people. They grew up with everything telling them they were the be-all and end-all, and they’re pissed that the world has shifted even a tiny bit to their inconvenience. I deal with these people at my mom’s assisted living every day. They spend their time complaining about every single

Spanish is easier to spell, that’s for damn sure.

This is what we call free-dumb.

Are you sure they’re not plotting to smuggle Castro into IHOP?

Cloud-yelling is popular (or in the case of my retired neighbor, yelling at his lawnmower).

Holy shit. If you’re in California and want to tell every single person speaking Spanish to stop, that’s going to be more than a full-time job. Que una perra loca.

If I had written that article, my copy editor would have thrown his OED at me.

You’re sitting on your couch, your bag of Fire-Hot Takis beside you. You reach for your laptop. You comment. Ah. That felt so good.