And it looks so Aussie you can almost hear it saying “G,day mate”
And it looks so Aussie you can almost hear it saying “G,day mate”
You, sir, are a lying liar what lies.
Kookaburras are indeed amazing. But like...I couldn’t list every animal. Galahs will feel similarly aggrieved.
Fucking Americans, always want to put everything in a cage, even if they think they will look after it, in Australia its against the law to own pretty much any Aussie animal without a special license that is hard to get, not every damn animal needs to be locked up because you think they are cute
Oh my god, you could teach the quokka to ride the wombat and become a MILLIONAIRE.
Why did you let this fool out of the greys? Please tell me they were in the greys.
One of the most liberating things I learned as a young chap in the world of dating was to discover I could break it off, both verbally and emotionally, with girls at the drop of a hat as soon as I saw something I wasn’t ok with. realize saying it was statistically insignificant works against the point you’re trying to make, right?
Nobody deserves to be abused.
Are you suggesting that those are significantly different circumstances or the same? “Engaged after a few months” vs “married after I think a year”
Part of how emotional (and physical) abusers get away with what they do is mind-fucking their victims and their emotions so hard they start to wonder if maybe they’re crazy for thinking there’s a problem.
Their marketing team is brilliant. Without fail we watch their commercials and one of us says “damn, I want some seafood, that looks delicious. Let’s go!!” and the other one of us promptly punches the other in the face. Or, you know, the equivalent shut down.
I’m old and often bored by the few videos I run across, but that one really is fabulous. Single Ladies was fun and minimalist and some of her other ones have been sexy, but all in all (in keeping with pop tradition) they seem intentionally vacant. Pretty, without much narrative or perspective.
I just watched the Formation video for the first time* (seeing all the chatter about it made me curious) and it is amazing! It is art. I don’t understand why large numbers of white people would have a problem with it - but I hope if people are talking about it, more people will watch the video.
what, the Cheddar Bey Biscuits?
I don’t know... Those biscuits are hard to resist.
Hold up, I’ve got something - about 3 people showed up, and late, but there were more BLM supporters anyway. Check this out.