Marceline's T-shirt

Well, it’s the fantasy that conservative men are supposed to have, so that’s why it’s front and center. Reinforce the norms, lest these Republican men turn gay, or start marrying minorities. Remember, brunettes are just gateway women to blacks and latinas.


It really is such a specific shade. It’s like they all desperately wanted to be Jennie Garth in 90210, circa 1990.

You know Paul Newman wanted Dustin Hoffman’s roll in The Gradute. But the producers thought he was too handsome. So they asked him “Paul have you ever struck out with a girl?” and Paul said “What do you mean strike out?”

I dunno....I think his lips are ok

Let me just say:

That is a goddamn lie. Everyone cares about my boner. Or my...like...slip n slide? I don’t know. Women deserve a word for their boners too.

I’d have sexuals with either. Or both.

It took the overwhelming comedic talents of Leslie Jones to make Colin Jost even remotely appealing.


I don't watch snl anymore so I have not seen this Colin host fellow before but he is adorabbbbbble. I want to have sexuals with him too.

are they that big be honest

Meanwhile, back at the nature reserve...

It tusks, but you can’t always get what you want.

Remember, no matter how nuts you are for her, if she likes someone else, it’s irrelephant.

At least he didn’t take it out on her, like ome species are wont to do. Still:

Overheard at the scene,