Marceline's T-shirt

Haha perfect comment.

It’s called Lynx here, but otherwise you’re spot on. :)

... be right back!

It’s called Sydney.

Yaaaay! We’re the globe’s penis!

I think this thing is really weird to me because (here comes something offensive!) I find that all white Americans look really similar already.

Haha, I once puked red wine puke over his dick and chest, all over the bed, then in a huge splashy line all the way through the bedroom, down the hall, and into the bathroom. I then passed out and poor Mr. Ex had to clean up the whole crazy mess by himself.

Nah, it’s awesome. I drank too much, but then: sneaky tactical chunder = back in the game

This is no doubt a move of pure dickery. And yet, I wish there was an easy way to get some coffee places to make what I want without a twenty-minute drama involving three separate staff.

Narcissism. Of course. That describes my proto-stalker perfectly. It all makes much more sense now. Thank you!

I wish it would let me star alter_ego twice! So much truth in one comment.

That’s all lovely, but I thought Steve meant BJ-wise. I’m curious too. So?

I feel your pain. In my 16 years of nether-region hair removal, trying nearly everything, I have found exactly one thing that works on my ingrown-prone areas: shaving, gently and carefully, with the grain.

It’s about trying to look like a hippie, because you would have totally gone to Woodstock were you alive then (you assume). So you spend $500 on a ticket, and another $500 on outfit and supplies.

This comment is so biblical.

You just nudged me a leeeettle bit further into ‘maybe someday I will have a baby’ territory. :)

Hahaha and her ‘dishwashing’ shot, I can’t even. I bet she had to ask the photographer how normal people wash dishes.

Argh this was the thought I had about the shoes! If someone wears the wrong shoes, does she send them home? Or do they have to wear one of her pairs of pre-approved shoes?

Tell me you felt some biceps!!

Haha, love him. “I don’t give a fuckin’ rat’s arse.” is one of the best phrases ever.