To me, it's as though they got excited about this one shot because she looks much younger than her actual age, and thus forgot to think about: 1) posing, 2) expression, 3) wardrobe, 4) hair, 5) lighting, etc etc etc...
Truly. This is my bad-hair-day hair.
What? No drinking? Lame. Without drinking I can't get into it.
Literally the best thing ever. Also you can hit the dance floor with a bong in one hand. Or in two hands.
this is why I only attend bushdoofs. You can dance like that and fit right in.
Ugh, really? I laugh at other people's kids all the time. (In a nice way, mostly.)
Sugar hurts my teeth. Booze don't.
No foolin', I knew someone who used to say 'crack a moistie'. The first time I heard her say it, I was at the same time horrified and revolted but also overcome with hysterical laughter.
People aren't responding to the content of your comment, it's irrelevant. You commented on something you know nothing about, and someone told you you're wrong. Had you simply admitted your mistake, there'd be no issue. Instead you got massively defensive and made out like you were being persecuted for something,…
100% bullshit, and hosted by scary botoxed lizard people?
Seriously? I'm a laundry wiz, but sometimes gym clothes just develop their own funk...
I'd buy a nice house, then enough farmland, at least 5 metres above sea level, to feed several families. Then I would quit my job and go study permaculture instead. If I had much money left over, I'd buy more farmland, and maybe some undeveloped forest too.
Totally honest question... hasn't everyone measured their vaginas?!
You're gonna live to 104? Good work!
Both of these comments are rad and you are both rad and you should feel rad. /rad
That made me cackle like a madwoman and scare the shit out of the cat, thank you
There won't be many future generations, and those that exist will have much bigger problems, the history of technology usage is likely to be completely ignored.
Haha never heard of Someone Ate This, thanks. :D Reminds me of CookSuck.