I forgot how hot everyone is in this movie. Hnnnnnng
I forgot how hot everyone is in this movie. Hnnnnnng
I thought this was going to be a guide to getting down in a tent. We usually go for it on the floor, between feast courses. You're welcome.
In the show, it's Doreah, Daenaerys' handmaid, in real life it's Roxanne McKee.
Thanks for the nitpick! She's only 14 for part of the books. I won't make that mistake again. Promise. ;)
I only charge $2 a minute...?
Urgh, Daenaerys makes me feel so conflicted. Like, that picture is hot as hell. But in the books she's 14. I know they aged up for the show, yadda yadda, but every time I find myself checking her out, there's a part of my brain screaming "FOURTEEN!"
Love him!
For realz, Gaytimes are rad as hell. Best icecream ever.
Kimmy! <3
Pretty sure pre-op transwomen are welcome.
I would never say that about someone with a disease, please. This is a public forum, I gave my 2c. I had an opinion based on my experiences, and I wrote it. If you want me to delete it, I will.
Disclaimer, I'm not providing either of the things you asked for, but rather some advice, and I don't think you'll probably like it. But I know a girl who sounds just like you, and this is the advice I give her. If you don't want to hear it, feel free to ignore.
I came here to say pretty much this. I am totally disgusted that anyone would spend $10k for such a *mean* *petty* *damaging* non-story. Shame.
I don't understand why people find this 'obnoxious'. It comes off as really hipster. 'Omg, you are wearing the band shirt of the band we're seeing!' Uh, yeah, I'm a huge fan, where better to wear the shirt and share my love of the band?
I'm with you! I am standing perfectly still and quiet because I am trying to burn the concert onto my brain's internal hard-drive.
Totes! I don't understand how hard it is to just ask, like "Adventure Time, or My Little Pony?" or whatever. It's not like the staff at Maccas don't know what toys they've got in. Rabid maccas-toy-people make sure of that.
Incorrect, BMO self-identifies as a boy, and he'd appreciate it if you'd respect his life choices!
Your physical description matches my boyfriend, except he's bald(ing) and has scars and warts in various places (facially). And I think he's mega sexy and we do it on the reg.
Can't he be both? I think I saw that movie.
Triple post. :(