How can you read my mind from way over there?
How can you read my mind from way over there?
I use 'partner', although that does make some people assume I'm a big old lesbian. Which I am totally cool with.
You could make one. Glückfreude. Or Freudefreude. :)
+1. Sounded like sound advice to me!
I know it's probably a typo, but you used the wrong 'discreet'.
Cool! I wouldn't be part of that, for fear of losing my job... but I would turn a blind eye and claim ignorance. :)
Awwww, no fair! /pout
Me too. But my anecdote does not change the majority. :)
A thousand times this. What the fuck, I can't even.
Amnesty International has some programs, check it out: []
Freestyle to the max! How I miss the days of yore. And I want that bag 'to the max'. Freestyle.
My sister taught a little girl (6) who didn't know how to dress herself. At all. This only became apparent when they had swimming lessons, and she didn't get dressed again afterwards. Turns out, her parents did it for her every morning, and she literally didn't know how to put her clothes on.
'Helped rescue'... as in, stole laboratory animals, or just took rats that were going to be discarded anyway?
Cool beans, rock on with your bad self. :)
Sorry that you misinterpreted my question as 'wanting to prove your argument wrong'. I just wanted to see the evidence myself. :)
You're right, people actually hate sweet foods.
I have no wisdom teeth. Respect! :D
"Have you ever held a well-loved piece of wood in your hand? Such a great feeling."
Do you have studies to back up your claim that pot causes permanent damage?
Also, irregularly-shaped mugs are really hard to clean. Especially those that are wider at the base. :)