Also, what does 'quite-yet-serene' mean? Did you mean quiet?
Also, what does 'quite-yet-serene' mean? Did you mean quiet?
Are you a vegan? Curious because most people do in fact believe it is okay to treat other animals differently to humans.
Mine join my hair too! Sometimes I let them, sometimes I get cranky and pluck it all out.
Well, of course one does not bake the cookie dough. One gets baked, then eats the cookie dough. As God intended.
Yeah. I've been waxing since I was 14; I'm now 27 and my pubes have yet to get the 'don't grow back' memo - in fact they are bushier and cover more area than ever.
Hahaha The Rooooooom! Classic.
Right? Can't stand that argument. Also it totally doesn't make sense. If my mother had aborted me, I wouldn't exist, and she wouldn't know me, so she wouldn't mourn some hypothetical 'me'.
I like to cross-dress for Halloween. It is also amusing when people don't get obvious costumes because they are thrown off by your 'wrong' gender. Unless you do fake facial hair.
Just gonna leave this here... I must admit, I love our beer ads. :)
What if you just don't like them? I don't like labradors - at all - but people don't jump all over me for mentioning it. People are allowed to have preferences without being demonised.
Does your bikini seriously come down that low? It's not far above the clitoral hood.
Well now, that's just incorrect. Strippers wear them too. :)
I'm white (in Australia) and people always ask me where I'm from. Apparently I have an accent. (I'm a huge voice modulator so maybe that's why strangers think I have an accent? No idea.)
My guess is, their idiot buddies thought it was funny!
They always seem like they're tripping on acid to me. Everything's new to them! (Apologies to Dylan Moran?)
Sames! I cried the whole way through. But I have a history of crying at happy things... I can't sit through the start theme (!!?) of heaps of kids shows.
Honestly curious... why did the old people make you sad?
Awww that's so sweet and sad at the same time! I think all neighbours should be nice neighbours. After all, your neighbours know where you live! Best to be friends. :)
Totally. I have a self-imposed limit of five minutes. Anything more than that and I start to get sad... Took me ages to figure this out. It should come with a warning: "Extended Facebook sessions could be bad for your mental health."
Right? And you know he 'delivers'!