What I am getting is, it's not okay for a woman to go without panties under her clothes, but it IS totally okay for people to take exploitative photos of same and publish them for money, while shaming the lady involved! Good to know.
What I am getting is, it's not okay for a woman to go without panties under her clothes, but it IS totally okay for people to take exploitative photos of same and publish them for money, while shaming the lady involved! Good to know.
Kinda OT but I just *love* when the little girls who live in front leave pictures across my pavement. It's all rainbows and suns and flowers, how can anyone not like that? The other day they left a picture of a girl standing next to a house with a big smile and rainbow hair. I hope it was me! :D
Whaaaaat? Did she find spatula offensive? Sounds like spatchcock? Speculum? My mind boggles.
Is the front of the bowl covered in piss? ... IT WAS PROBABLY ME.
I love tomatoes, peas and pickles. All of which I used to hate. So there is yet hope for you all!
I see what you're saying. Kind of. But it's not like those hot wings were going to feed the starving otherwise.
After reading that comic, I see the dual-T-n-A EVERYWHERE. Seriously, it's crazy.
Yeah, while I love the style of the art, the anatomy isn't even consistent with itself. If you follow the lines of the left leg, there is just no way it can be connected to her hip. Unless she's really deformed.
OT, but every time I look at your avatar, my brain yells GAZE! :D
Yes, I will take one all-the-other-beers, please. Actually make that two. :)
Life's too short to worry about what people think about what beer you drink. Seriously! Figure out what *you* like drinking. After all, you're the one who has to drink it.
I have crap circulation and sit stupidly, so my legs fall asleep all the time.
I think you probably are awesome. Just most dudes have no idea what they really want most of the time. Most people? Anyway, don't give up, keep rockin'!
Agreed. Also, WTF, 21 years? If sex was so important she should have divorced him earlier. Fining him for her inability to break it off earlier is dumb.
Oh nooooo I wanted to play them!
Not only that, but what about his poor wife? The fact that he was cheating with a student kinda makes me think he's a giant asshole. And you know, a rapist.
Hehe. Long 'winded'. (Sorry.)
Yeah, three different schools, three different paedophile music teachers.
What the whaaaaaaat? Aren't jeans ads usually just ageist and sexist?
I love Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure!