Three years later....
Three years later....
LMAO!!.. works for me!...ahahah
I agree. I think Ouya is, well...bad. But I don't see the point in being a giant asshole about it.
Sometimes a free trial comes along and you want to check it out, but in order to do so you have to enter a credit…
The hell, Kotaku... every comment I post, you do not show, greyed or not. >8/
While I think it's perfectly fine for an internet video for laughs, I think the fact that their television series has a similar look is problematic. It has a tiny bit of polish, but meh... I donno. Personal preference I suppose.
There could be a youtube channel of nothing but Blanka Troll videos every week and I'd watch it.
Hasn't francis reached his expiration date, yet?
I don't know what is more insulting.. Being a gamer and having to hear the moans of current gen "gamers" and fanboys or that they have allowed someone like this psycho attention whore fatass be daily gaming news on sites like Kotaku..? Ill just have to quit checking gaming sites all together I think in order to not…
This looks like the love child of Killer7 and No More Heroes, more importantly, a reason for the insanity to it, and not being crazy for the sake of being crazy like Shadows of the Damned and Lollipop Chainsaw. Cannot wait for it.
As a black guy... don't see nothing wrong with it. It's a plastic nose and wig. I've seen worse.
I'm the same way in the regards to names. For example, in a lot of movies/tv shows I watch, I can describe a character and their actions very accurately however I rarely remember their name.
I'm curious @Adam — what didn't you like about your previous beds? I'm leaning towards memory foam and SleepLikeTheDead highly recommends them (or their readers do), but what's the difference before and after? I think the pillows have been a little too solid for me, so I use a soft pillow and roll up a towel for neck…
Silk sheets work well too. I like silk clothes in the summer to keep cool. It's not cheap though, but it lasts if you take care of them... so not good children clothes :S
So I guess this means, contrary to the TAY du jour, it's time to re-re-think who "won" E3. Right?
"What would you do if you were homeless and in a wheelchair? Or homeless and not in a wheelchair?"