You people are phuking nuts
You people are phuking nuts
White privilege is a cop out for I was lazy and didn’t get free stuff. Grow up.
Please dont praise kotaku, they are not reporters just bloggers with their own agendas who will delete any comment that doesnt not conform. They are crap.
Better late then never. This is true. The evaporation usually removes the impurities. Well I’m packing up for the desert..... Where shall we meet?
Balding and was shaved for 2 years. It’s awful and reeks of hiding. I’d give anything for good hair again
Pending approval????? I DARE you to post it... If you’re MAN enough
Awesome, talk about thinning men and its “they’re fucked,” but if I wrote an article on thinning women I’d be a vain woman hating piece of shit. Is there one “blogger” on This site who doesn’t wear doc martins and flannel????
I'm willing to bet you'll find all those twizzlers and Dunham together anyway so that's one stop down
sorry but it's a guys movie... Hey let's remake fight club with all females!
who cares
How dare I use a word like that???? Now that response was pretty gay!
Drugs and alcohol... It was the early 80s
Drugs and alcohol... It was the early 80s
Have an OUYA and love it. Was a Xmas present from my girl. I am pissed tho that after like 3 weeks of dealing with OUYA support on getting a new controller to deal with the lag they never told me a new console was coming out with better WiFi.....
Kind of shitty. I would have returned this one and just payed the extra…
i suppose you prefer floppy disks
Dont know if people I reply to can see the replies but I KNOW I have been banned for a while. I still just pop on now once in a blue to see whats on but Im looking elsewhere.
Habanero Evictus!