Sometimes the issues as well are just in laggy net connection. I know this is one of the main issues I have had int he past. Either I lag or they lag but somehow I die.... I can be stabbing them in the chest but somehow "I Die!?".
Sometimes the issues as well are just in laggy net connection. I know this is one of the main issues I have had int he past. Either I lag or they lag but somehow I die.... I can be stabbing them in the chest but somehow "I Die!?".
or brothel.... either way - fun
I'd hit it
China will have a Jon Stewart eventually..... but he will be cheaply made and cost 1/100th the price
I would love it. I honestly cant stand first person. I've only recently been able to start playing them with Dishonored and Dead Island, soon Infinite, but I would say I FAR from love them.
Brutal Legend was two of my firsts
..... orders are hastily being filled
What are you reaching for in that pic???? IS that some kind of potion replica hummingbird feeder???? Damn you are to adorable!
why so they can turn ONE MORE thing into zombies
I half expected to see a playable iron man mod but this was......... interesting
I guess he finally saw the Clash Remake and had a stroke at what they did to it.
well there goes the population of active torrents by about 40% lol
Oh you are only price gouged by MS if you allow it and dont put in the effort to mod.
tough isn't unappealing to men. I don't mind a tough chick, unless your talking like "bulldike tough" then mahhhhh I dont think most dudes dig that.
Actually she does look weird now and was much better in the first and second steps so wtf is your true point....?
It looked like she started as a boy then gradually got really pretty until now she just looks like a boy trying to look like a girl.
the one movie (aside the sequel) I absolutely refuse to watch. Ever since the trailer everything about this flik just make my testies suck back up into my stomach!
The more I think back to the enjoyment me and my GF had with playing through heavy rain together the more I realize what a god awful story it had. The premise was great but the actual execution was just littered with unanswered garbage.