Evil Nick

leave..... to go wank it?

Dont knock it, if not for porn we would prob not have HALF the technological advancements in web and entertainment we have now.

Ancient Greece.... He's looking down at someone in relief but gender is ambiguous


This is what I have always said.... If you cant control your kids then you do some time. BUT we need to allow then to beat the little shits once in a blue to.

I'd hit it! And Love every second of her condescending as she makes me feel like I'm not big enough nor trying hard enough.......

So it just looks?

they all do about 10 years later. But actually with the onset of all this social media crap like this now sticks with you for EVER....

If its all the same to you suh..... "I'M WORKING"

love the name..... does the cursed frogurt come with my choice of cursed topping?

Only problem is you need to be outdoors for direct sunlight sooooooooooooooooooo - hope your voyeuristic!

I have many ideas.... just not many feasible or legal ones!

Yeah thats a f***in SEXY calculator!

not her social one

I think I've had like 3 or 4 top quality comments removed already HA HA HA HA HA HA

Okay can I ask you honestly (moderator) is the comment section being bombarded and slow or are you really deleting EVERY one of the funny posts that pop up cause I read one, recycle and then its gone!

yeah you'd catching dry humping this "grill" first

yeah she seems to be REALLY screening these.... don't want to "offend" 'n' all lol

Did she catch the calculator with the prom queen making out at the end of the night? Does it..... viiiiiiiiiibrate?

nope.... just nope