why is it something as simplistic as video games have to be regulated to positive/negative in our society at all? Can nothing just exist anymore? Dodgeball anyone?
why is it something as simplistic as video games have to be regulated to positive/negative in our society at all? Can nothing just exist anymore? Dodgeball anyone?
I wonder if you could perceivably trick your mind into feeling things in the game that you shouldnt.
I think if more people hold out the first month they will realize they lose interest and then can wait any amount of time for the right price on a game. Thats what I do.
I have a buddy that does the buy used return thing. I wish I could but I just dont have the time to finish a game in a week. I would have to return and rebuy at least 6 times.
I always say if games were all 35$ release more people would buy rather than waste their time and money to pirate, more so consoles than PC tho.
Ive gradually been at IGN a lot more.
Yeah I can download on my phone and just use es file explorer to send them to my machine. But I also have my torrent directory as a share to my plex from my rasp pi so i can just download and watch.
I was hoping I could find a hacked or similar thing on XDA.
delete double post
Shit you're right. sorry
someone likes Brian Regan... or O&A. Possibly both??????
Which default apps? I have a nexus s and nex7 and Im wondering since its all sammy if I could use any.
I use plex on my ps3 and roku.
Is it me or is snakes standing pose a bit effeminate?
So this chick does more than just a SONOS commercial?
We just cut our cable - http://tevilblog.blogspot.com/2013/04/cuttin…
I can not be "certain" (bunny quotes) but I MAY have gotten a "massage" (bunny quotes) from this cos player some time ago........ (bunny quotes)
Are you Andy Dick?