I think the punching the hole in Joker is a bit meh.
I think the punching the hole in Joker is a bit meh.
.... I mean do black people still say Boo Ya?
What I love is that the WII U "yes's" get big bulky in your face check marks where the Wii's get little near invisible dots as to say our old console does NOTHING!.....
Im dying to play this just to use my stupid "Move Controller". Has anyone played this with move? is it good? I mean the controls for sorcery were AWFUL (my only other move experience) so hopefully this is better.
I'm waiting at my mailbox lol.
I know, I always thought they could still have the same battle system and use cards for magic and specials.
I like you
1) spray paint it metallic gold
in the end tho mish mosh duologue from any game in clips can be incoherent.
http://youtu.be/ damn remove didnt notice this vid was in the actual story.
have you played them all? I think the underlying tone of bonding and freindship is really good.
GOD DAMN YOU "Simple and Clean".... just an great song
really the more I see this game and the less it resembles the souls games (I KNOW its not he same people but in the beginning it was being compared) the less I become interested in it.
something about it reminds me of their ps3 streaming TV service box they were hyping like a year ago.
why not just wear pants?
Honestly I found it free online or torrented it I think but I just watched the cinematics on YouTube today and it filled a lot in
no not mad at all. Why are you because Ill bet that I'm not mad infuriates you and ruins your little masturbation session??