Evil Nick

nope dont care online grammar means diddly to me and those that worry about it are next to pedos in my book and REALLY need to get out more into the "real world"

Kudos to you buddy.... hows that little chubby you just gave yourself?

I wonder if she spoke on whether she was forced to do it or not. I Cant see a woman openly walking with open breast wounds by choice.

without it tho 2 opens very awkwardly.

i liked how coded and days were not integral to the story like CoM was. I think any of the portables should have simply been side stories. Birth by Sleep should have been a console game since it really is very integral.

hated it. battling seemed to take forever even on small enemies

im actually watching on here at work lol

i did i just hated the battle system

PLEASE do this with chain of memories! I have tried and tried but cant play through that game!

it was a fun game but non important to the story which is how all the handhelds should have been.

honestly your premise isnt bad if you look at it this way...

Ive always thought Darkwing would be perfect.... cmon NegaDuck as a nobody!

as long as you dont click play its JUST BOOBS!

I can see this being true. Me and my GF never spend more than like 15$ now on a bottle and have yet to be disappointed. We honestly think the wine hype is pretty much just that and the fact it makes people who think they know enough feel fancy. We dont know a lot about wine since in fact I hated it to death until a

Yeah I knew about their super senses. Trust me I did a LOT of research after evicting some disgusting tenants once.

god damn "simple and clean" best fucking song even in japanese!

It is but it isnt. The first really did rely a lot on the ansem papers you find to fill in some blanks. Then they made CoM and that just screwed it all up. Why make a such an important part of the story as THAT?!?!?

God imagine trying to teach her how to ride my motorcycle

I say the same thing. Ill buy you a 500$ beater to teach you but she will not have that... she must insist on 1200$ worth of damage to my tranny. She just does not multitask or focus well enough to drive stick. I see her driving 50 miles at 60mph in 2nd gear...... WHAAAAAAAAAAAA

My GF has been asking me to teach her to play dark souls and dishonored.... I get a chill of dread every time she mentions it watching me play. She has also been asking me to teach her to drive standard but I just see my transmission in parts down the street after 5 minutes.