Evil Nick

am I the only one who was a little peeved they completely changed his appearance and made him much more talkative in the sequel?

they said the price was the issue with the orginal psp but even after many reincarnations and price drops it never made expectations. They continuously lowered their forcasts on the PSP over and over until it seemed like they met their own demands.

I think Sony and the dev used it for an initial grab hoping people would look into the game more and build hype on it.

before anyone knew about the game minus title everywhere you read speculated whether it was related to the souls games.... do you think that was not planned on their part to some degree?

Ive always loved the game due to time constraints. Me and my friends get little time to play games together so its nice to have a game you can pick up and play for a a little while at a time with each other and feel like you've actually accomplished something as a whole.

any resident evil

then you just deal with ATM fees, so its lose lose

Ive occassionaly just wet my fingers and flicked a bit of water into the pot. you can tell the way it sizzles or doesnt

Didn't he used to fight Darkman?

all I saw was Niki Manaj's pic and "boyfriend pays for sex" and I was about to quit my job, empty my bank accounts and run to the set of Idol!!!!!

its the stupidity in the act that has people talking.

Well strange doesn't necessarily mean bad.. just strange as most V have um "an odor". Perhaps hers smelled a little better than usual actually and that set off alarms

all i can think of is Miroku from inuyahsa

which would inevitably become a huge black market for the US and work their way here as untraceable, BUT most of their guns come from central america anyway not the US.

I actually thought about doing the same thing with my first gen kindle fire. I could tether my phone as well to access maps and hulu(not while Im driving of course!)

I still rock a Nexus S and install diff roms all the time.

knives, home made pipe bombs, big sticks, cars, bare hands, gas, fire all kill people. there will never be balance because even if there were no guns allowed you cant possibly think gangs and criminals would not get them..... ESPECIALLY as close to Mexico as we are? Ironically Mexico being the prime example of strict

everything is the fault of the parents. in one way shape or form its on the people who decide to procreate to watch out and raise their kids and be involved. When you spawn you now have to watch society for the child and the child for society.

and how would they do that?

but even when the psp got more games it never became a "success". It did well enough but never beat out the ds and then the game library pretty much just plateaued and stopped period. I think the vita is just doing this at a much faster rate with the intro of tablet and mobile games. I personally hate mobile games and