well shit let me take to the streets!
well shit let me take to the streets!
Pretty cold tho, Im more a beach guy. I went to canada once a long time ago and remember the water being super nice but to cold to swim. tho i do like lobster
I do know what soul sacrifice is as I followed it for a while before deciding i wasnt getting a vita.
I honestly think soul sacrifice would be ported before either of those games due to the popularity Dark Souls got them (now with a sequel coming). Not to many people were crazy about nor anticipating that drakes game and as for gravity rush I cant say because I honestly dont know what that game is
where are you? Do they speak english? and how can I move there???? I WOULD BE LIKE A GOD!!!! (clenching fist)
I wonder if they will port this to PS3 at all given time and that vita is bombing HARD
funny because A LOT of my friends are all well over 6'. Me and my buddy Marc were sometimes the shortest of our group, so it would be funny seeing a group brawl with these two little guys with curly fists dancing there like popeye. Most of my GF's were all shorter than me, one was the same height and had AWESOME legs.…
you apparently dont have a GF who watches you play and then asks "why dont you teach me how to plays this?" because then you would completely understand.
as a guy I actually like grey hair. To me its just diff, but I LOVE redheads.
noooooooooooope 5-10..... im out for you I guess lol, but pretty decently built (also Im the first to admit a shaved head does not compliment me at all)
Am I a bad person for thinking sex with a mini Kesha would be very fetishly hot!
but what im saying is being mad at women for the lack of attraction in a short guy is stupid. Men like certain things as well and wont give a woman a shot if they dont meet certain standards. Again 5-10 to 5-11 is average and usually anything taller is considered tall. yes it sucks being short I can imagine as, as I…
get lifts
some people cant control fatness. issue is we all like things. Im only 5-10 (maybe 5-11) but not "Tall" at all.
as long as you have a nice set of legs guys will not care about height, trust me.
would you date an obese girl, a girl with a mustache problem? I doubt it so dont knock women for what they want and say its discriminatory and wrong.
Its built in.