Is nice to see that even over 15 years later the pros still are trying to remove every gun save the BR.
Is nice to see that even over 15 years later the pros still are trying to remove every gun save the BR.
Yup, “playing the ball” has always been around as strategy when cornered. Sometimes it doesn’t work as the opposing team my catch wind of it and prepare, but if executed beautifully, its fantastic
Exactly. You only really need to see this strategy once to understand it. After that, it’s shame on you for not countering it.
To all those saying it’s a legitimate issue. It isn’t.
Because learning map spawns has always been a core part of getting better as a player in Halo. It’s why having loadouts and weapon killstreaks in Halo 4 was such a controversial move, because it removed one aspect of the skill ceiling from the game, which is learning the maps.
I’m sorry but this isn’t reddit.
I’ve seen this as far back as H3 and have used it myself , although more as a ‘if I can’t have it, no one can’ measure :). The randomized spawn points seems like the easiest and most reasonable solution. I’m surprised 343 randomized CTF spawn points but not this.
“Unfortunately for all the aspiring video game jugglers out there, however, Quick Resume has hardly lived up to the pre-release hype. “
Hard disagree with this article. I don’t know why you feel the need to call out gamers perceived ways of playing or not playing. But I frickin’ LOVE quick resume. I have a Series X, and I use it constantly. I am always juggling between a few different games, and I will often pop out of a game to go into Youtube for a…
For real, I was about to comment that Quick Resume is freaking great. Of course online sessions will get dropped if you go idle, but I play a bunch of single player games, particularly if I don’t have a lot of time to get in a session of Destiny, that I can just jump back to where I was. It’s only happened a couple of…
This article should’ve had a delete from memory option.
Not sure what you're talking about with quick resume not living up to hype. Pretty sure kotaku has had at least 5 articles this year praising it for being a game changer...
I have played enough stuff that was more than competently developed and/or brought through Early Access or given a DLC or whatever games do in 2020.
Has Microsoft ever said that though? They’ve always been pretty heavily involved in government and PAC donations.
“People died in 9/11 numbers daily in America from COVID as the cost of doing business, and nobody bats an eye.”
I don’t think that’s true. There is definitely a very specific group that doesn’t bat an eye, but to say nobody does is a huge overstatement.
And you want them broadcasting live to the internet, hmm?
I’m pretty confident that if your only objection to game pass is this (i.e. you’re not worried about finding enough variety in games for it to be “worth it”), you’ll still spend less money by keeping a game pass sub and then just buying the game outright in case this ever does happen to you (especially since you get…
“I’m not seeing any safety markings around the edge of this transdimensional ‘portal’ of yours. Gonna have to shut it down.”
Here’s the thing, though. There’s thousands of streams on Twitch where everybody’s chill and having fun, and every weekend there’s at least a dozen streamers raising money for various charities.