
Not to mention his articles are under a paywall now, so it’s the only way I get to “read” what he is up to these days.

Original intent was a good idea. “Lets give some small streamers some great exposure.” Too bad they implemented badly. They dont have any indicator who the PogChamp emote is. No link or even channel name is provided when you click them.

- Calvin and Hobbes, September 1, 1992

Neither do articles that are unwilling to show how little Sony cares about accessibility.

How did you write an article about controller accessibility and not mention the Xbox Adaptive Controller?
Microsoft has invested millions of dollars to enable gamers of all abilities to play in their ecosystem while Sony has done practically nothing.

One reason might be that not everyone is American. (And the explanation was the reasoning from Twitch’s rules.)

That’s always been the case with Microsoft, and now that they offer Game Pass for PC, Microsoft is 100% okay with that.  They don’t care where you play as long as you keep paying for their subscription services.  

It’s a cruel bastard of an item. That out of the way, if you teleport into an enemy, you kill them instantly without taking damage.

please... just read... until the second paragraph

Wow, I didn’t do any of that.

The next time you want to say nothing at all, just say nothing at all.

You’re sharing an opinion, and D. Walker is also sharing an opinion.

Then by all means, log off and try being low-key dickish to strangers in real life to see if they treat you better than we do.

“I can’t believe folks are saying I’m shitty for saying something shitty! Don’t these idiots know it’s just a shitty opinion?”

“Haha, I’m personally unaffected by this, so I don’t give a damn that other people are being treated unfairly! Hooray, apathetic selfishness!”

cool, move along

Considering the Navy navigates vast oceans and rough seas, you’d think they’d be better at handling streams.

My only grievance with the remake is that career progress is shared across all skaters. I used to go through with each skater to 100% the career modes. Now you can go back to collect stat points and that’s about it.


thanks for asking