
I’m sort of curious how much he’s giving up to the 5/7th place finishers. I’d like to know what his idea of a balanced prize pool looks like.

I’m not hip to Smash particularly, but the Heel is usually mostly an act. There’s always some facet of their personality that means they enjoy being the Heel and are good at doing it, but they really drum it up for the public.

I tuned into the front page and saw your face and the headline, and it was immediately the best thing I’ve seen all week.

True, if you’re only playing casual games. If you want to play in any tournaments, I’m guessing all cards in a deck will have to have matching card backs. 

Right, deckbuilding is absolutely a critical part of these types of games. Inevitably you’ll end up with a few super shitty cards that you draw every game, and you have no option to avoid that other than roll the dice and buy another deck.

I think you’re in the minority. A lot of people are pretty excited to try out For Honor, it’s a solid game that has been getting a lot better since launch.

How likely am I to run into Planet Dickfarts with its native species the “Butt babies”?

Makes me wonder, how many of these original run packs are left unopened? Are there people that have stashes of them hoarded away, and drip feed them into the community over time?

Same. For me, it’s been about every article that has come out about it in the last few weeks. I was initially all-in, but I’m cooling on it extremely quickly.

That’s fair. In my view, it’s probably a little of column A, little of column B.

I agree that they are different demographics, but my assumption is that the twitch audience would pass that specific knowledge on to their friends and family that might be vulnerable. Might take it from a “I know it when I see it” mindset to a “Grandma, if someone calls you and asks about X, Y, or Z, hang up”

That’s the thing. They try really hard to give the appearance that they’re not strangers. They pose as support for companies that people know and use.

Tuned into this guy last night for the first time, coincidentally. On top of being humorous and the satisfaction at being “in” on the situation, the stream is really educational about the types of tactics these scammers are using. Knowing what to look out for is the first step to not being scammed, so anything that

I think even with this darker side to it, the recent update has been amazing. The toxicity (or lack thereof) in the games I’ve played the last couple of days has been a night and day difference. I’m enjoying the game SO much more now.

Missing your point here. Are you saying that Jason is at fault for not finishing the game? The OP was accusing Jason of only playing two hours of the game. 20 hours is a long time to get in on an RPG without any interaction with the main characters.

Agreed. At this point, meaningful interaction between the characters after they are introduced via their separate journeys would sell me on the game. If it’s not there, I really have no interest.

I’ve played around 20 hours of Octopath Traveler, which comes out next Friday, and I’ll have a full review up next week.

Disagree. I laughed my ass off.

They definitely still support it, they’re just not aggressively expanding it.

This is a strange tangent. Unlike some Twitch emotes, Kappa has never really had any racial connotations.