The actual moment-to-moment experiences of SoT are fun, but the lack of variety of things to do, and the lack of meaningful progression kills the long-term appeal for me.
The actual moment-to-moment experiences of SoT are fun, but the lack of variety of things to do, and the lack of meaningful progression kills the long-term appeal for me.
I have a new respect for bus drivers after I visited Chicago a few years back. I don’t know how they do that every day and stay sane - watching them maneuver those things successfully through that shitty traffic is like poetry in motion.
I’m reading from your comment that you have friends, since you want them to hang out on Discord. Sea of Thieves is a Play Anywhere title, which means you can buy it on Xbox or PC and you have a copy that works in both places. It also means you can play cross-platform.
This seems like the right answer. Just have the network admin block the Fortnite/PUBG server domains. If they want to play, they’ll have to do it by blowing out mommy/daddy’s data plans.
To be fair, a garbage co-op experience is a whole lot better than a garbage solo experience, provided you’re playing with people you like.
I’d actually consider this, but don’t you miss out on a lot of story beats with your party members?
Picked this up recently because I was wanting to play a well-written RPG. It’s a great game - the writing is believable and entertaining, and the characters are super engaging.
This isn’t an “unfinished game”. It’s an MMO. Have you ever played one?
I’ve been considering doing that. Nowadays, I trust myself to keep track of a piece of paper securely more than I trust everyone online to keep my data safe.
I usually use “hunter2".
This makes me really sad. I played Runescape for over a decade, until they got bought out by their current Chinese overlords, and the game became a steaming pile of micro transaction shit. I can’t stomach it anymore.
“The Gaining 2: Do you even lift, bro?”
Weird. Maybe the load balancing is super uneven, wouldn’t surprise me with all of the matchmaking and other server issues they were having. Hopefully it all evens out. It feels like the developer got pushed by Microsoft to shove the game out before it was ready because they hyped it so much, and the Microsoft…
Definitely feel a little ripped off on this one so far. I bought it to play with some of my friends on PC, as we had been looking forward to playing it together for a few months now, and couldn’t get in. Finally got in with one buddy late last night and sailed around for an hour or so, and in that time we didn’t see a…
Thanks! It’s an uncomfortable subject to talk about, but it seemed relevant.
Video games are good at transforming the moments of our lives, too. The now of games is relentlessly enticing, much better than the reality of sitting in front of your computer or your TV clicking some buttons. They can offer the same pull as a drink, the same one more, the same possibility for addiction if you want…
That’s a fair point.
How are you making the mental leap that cross-platform multiplayer would make a free game cost money? Doesn’t really need to be a fanboy war, and I’m not sure why you’re so desperate to make it one.
Not sure about the COD and battlefield statement, since Halo has always been the Xbox-exclusive system selling FPS.