
There’s a ton of discarded Gamecubes rotting in landfills. This one was at least re-purposed for something extremely cool.

Fair enough. I know they’re both guilty of this same crap, I just wish they could put it aside and work towards some interoperability.

I mentioned that Microsoft was guilty too in my comment, is reading that hard?

Yeah, I know it definitely makes sense from a business perspective, I just think it sucks that consumers end up paying the price for it.

Microsoft is guilty of the same thing, of course, a few years ago (also referenced in the linked article).

From the linked article, concerning Sony’s hesitance to allow cross-platform play:

“I’ve been preparing my whole life for something like this.”

Sucks to be you, then.

Who are all of these fools who play with the Joy-Cons when they aren’t physically holding their switch?

but it does imply that at best you’re indifferent to Varva’s political views

Honestly, moving up to 1 Gb internet changed my philosophy on this entirely. I used to leave large games like Civ and Halo installed all the time because after all, never knew when I’d get the itch to jump in for a game or two. I was always frustrated by running into the limits of storage in my Xbox or PC.

Carbot Genji is best Genji.

Wrong. Her war on video games in 2005 was arguably the most notable thing she did as a senator that year.

Ah, the one that doesn’t exist ;) Got it

Your being a vitriolic asshole aside, do you have a source on that? I’m not finding anywhere that Blizzard “publicly admitted” they excluded players that pick Murky and Abathur from being banned. That seems at least as stupid.

What is idiotic? No one’s getting banned just for going into Quick Play as Illidan over and over, if that’s what you’re assuming.

I would assume their system for catching these offenders are a little bit more sophisticated than to falsely flag you. It’s more to catch the people with patterns like “Every game they lose, they report (and possibly are reported by) the rest of their team”. You know the type.

I was really hoping you’d still have the other human team playable as zombies, like the Versus mode in Left 4 Dead.

Not really, but my LDLs are already pretty low. My doc usually tells me the most important metric in determining risk for heart disease from a cholesterol standpoint is the ratio of LDLs to HDLs. These are the numbers I get from my doctor, they probably vary but generally, the lower the better: