I actually think this is great.
I actually think this is great.
I know now that this is a “+” button, but at first glance I thought it was the tiniest D-Pad I’d ever seen.
I see. How do people get away then and get banned for evading punishment?
Trading is all I ask for, Niantic.
CONCORD’s retribution is swift and absolute. Evading their punishment is actually a bannable offense in the game.
Dude. Please don’t ever talk about LOTR or Star Wars to a non-superfan. You’re the type of person to turn people off to a series forever.
Guess we’ll have to agree to disagree. I absolutely loved “the story” and the way that it ended.
True! The combat was really exceptional, came a long way from the first game in the series. Here’s to hoping for Breath of the Wild!
Why do the side quests not count as story? They’re certainly stories to me. Story-wise, there’s way more content in the side quests than in the main quest. And that’s not a bad thing. The side quests, generally speaking, kick ass.
The story of witcher 3 is terrible?
Yeah, relationships take work, dedication, and time. That’s time you can’t spend doing other things.
That’s exactly what I thought of when I played it! Loved Bushido Blade, and this feels so similar. It’s really, really good.
Not exactly. The mini pekka won’t shove the giant at a faster speed. The prince will cause the valk to be moving at prince charge speed.
Valk in front of the prince can be pretty effective. The prince charge will shove the valk down the lane. Same goes for hog+valk.
That’s always my next thought too. My hang-out performance anxiety would get the better of me and I’d come off like a complete doofus.
It’s definitely the coding. Why invent two different ways to accomplish the same thing?
Small question here, is Andromeda set later in the timeline from the original Mass Effect games? If so, how much later?
Man, I thought that, until I realized how bland and dull FFXV was. Really freed up my gaming time.
Ah, you’re correct. I was confusing the two.