How else do you view your friends list?
How else do you view your friends list?
Wow. You went through a lot of mental hoops to justify your continued bitterness and “holier than thou” attitude.
Oh, also, my boyfriend freshmen year in high school called his mom “mother” once and my older sister badgered me about it until I dumped him.
“Oh, Betty, I just don’t know what to do with Tom! Ever since he got that Thrustmaster™, he’s been up to all hours of the night playing with it. I think I’ve been replaced!”
Either way, a very good Cersei cosplay. I assume most people would skip her since she’s probably the most hated on the show. (Well, after Ramsay I guess).
I’m leaning towards the pro controller because of how squished to the sides the buttons/joysticks look to be on the JoyCon. That’s the big problem I have with the 3DS XL currently, I don’t really get to stretch out my thumbs.
I was really worried about this. Even with the 3DS XL, I find my hands cramping after a while. I can’t imagine with these tiny controllers.
I really hope they find out a way to keep the online latency to a minimum, multiplayer Bomberman games can get pretty intense.
Seems like wishful thinking to me. You can just as easily read that sentence the other way.
It would really help if Nintendo had given any prior indication that they know how to create a proper online service.
People here are getting defensive and calling you out on this, but you’re completely right.
Yes, but Xbox Live and PSN both work pretty well. Nintendo’s online systems are dumpster-tier.
Speaking as a former college student who rented a house in a neighborhood with several other people, a bunch of unrelated twenty-year olds moving into a house together and flying a drone around the neighborhood can definitely rub people the wrong way. Especially if they are families who have lived there in a quiet…
Eye-opening in what way?
Agreed. The first Titanfall wasn’t all that great, but TF2 was fantastic. Shame it has the stigma of being a sequel to a mediocre game, wish more people gave it a chance.
I would have expected the CIA to investigate this alien taco technology. It’s clearly decades ahead of our time.
I really don’t either, but I think my digestive system adapted to it in college.
It’s a blast, the quests (especially the newer ones) are really fun.
It’s like, if my boss walked by and caught me just opening this article, at first glance would he assume I was looking at a burnt finger?