
I think that was a function of our age. Going back and playing some of those “classics” now... ehhhhh.

Agreed, this very well could be unfinished code that just got left on the cutting room floor. Happens all the time.

Ignoring the disproportionate body sizes, it’s actually a very fun series.

I dunno, he seems like an alright guy from the interview. Just very competitive.

Why are you so disgusted with the easy fatalities? It’s not like it gave anyone an advantage.

if you import a Mii onto your system, view them in the character select screen, back out, select Mewtwo, and choose “random,” Mewtwo will inherit the special moves of whatever Mii you viewed last. Unfortunately this inheritance isn’t perfect, and Mewtwo glitches the hell out.

The part where OOP gets tricky for me (to continue the laundry analogy), is that there are some inherent assumptions about what it means to have the clothes laundered. When they come back, do you expect them to be starched? Pressed? How should they be folded?

Dangit man, I had locked up all my SWG feels. Now they’re everywhere.

I really don’t think that applies to Xbox Live, a private service. I’m sure there’s a bunch of fine print about it in the End-User Agreement you sign when you sign up for the service.

Hey, hey... hey man. I don’t think anyone’s told you yet. The bars are from Goldeneye.

Hey, Google Fiber’s on there. They are pretty awesome.

That guy that insta-picks sniper every game in Dota 2. You know who you are.

I don’t even know who Squirrel Girl is, but that GIF is happiness.

and RB said something like “all major consoles” and skipped Wii U.

Yeah, this bit completely lost me. I tried to read it 3 or 4 times and I still don’t get exactly what it’s saying.

That was a hell of a kick to Red’s nuts.

Listen, I'm not trying to deny P.F. Chang's suburban white-washed hellscape-ness, but I'll be damned if it isn't tasty.

I'm guessing you can't play these in competitive then? Seems like it might unbalance things.

I definitely got an Ian McKellen vibe. Either way, an award-winning performance, to be sure.

Engine definitely does contribute to the look and feel of the game. And where did you get the idea that I wouldn’t buy it? Being based on the Halo 3 engine is a huge plus for me.