
I find it hard to imagine that they’re so out-of-touch that they can’t realize how few Nintendo fans are getting these, as opposed to scalpers looking to resell at outrageous prices.

Sounds pretty familiar. It probably is an anxiety thing, from the sounds of it. Anxiety, compounded with depression can really freeze you up. If you’ve been talking to professionals, they’ll probably tell you to identify and address your personal triggers, which is good advice. It takes a lot of constant effort, but

You have good taste.

Best moment.

You’re about as pleasant as a rusty nail to the eye.

Probably just lots of Hearthstone, with some CS:GO and Civ 5 sprinkled in.

Expected tone-deaf “joke”.

Jeff Hardy approves.

Any rhyme or reason to the path pac-man takes? Seems completely random.

You can just think about this as "Dark Souls II: The Definitive Edition".

Is it really that shocking to you that it costs more to play the DLC as it is released, rather than waiting for months to play it at reduced cost?

What the hell are you talking about?

Holy shit, I love Ronda.

Damnit, these onions are too strong.

  • Bros: Not only do Noctis and crew have lots of fun banter, they have all sorts of little scripted combat interactions where one bro might help the other bro get out of a sticky situation. Then they fist-bump. It's adorable.

I'm legitimately shocked that you got your phone back. You're very lucky - that was some excellent police work. Fortunate that you had someone care enough to call it in when she saw the guy too.

Wow, that's ridiculous. There's a couple people in that thread suggesting booting up in safe mode and wiping it, which would suck but obviously be better than having a bricked system. You might try that.

Good, I think. It looks like standard-grade graffiti that I'd actually see out driving around the city.

Half-Life 2: Update rolls out a fresh coat of a paint for the seminal shooter