
Holy shit, that ending was epic.

Shadowed as his career is with all of the controversy in his later life and death, I always forget what an absolutely phenomenal performer MJ was. Videos like the first one remind me of that.

Just realized I completely missed the "PC" point of the headline. Ah well.

That's fair, it just feels painfully slow to me.

You did better than me then. I was lucky if I could skate out of the initial area properly.

Trying to figure out how to play this fucking game as a kid:

Nothing at all, it's hard to go back to though. Ever go back to try the original Smash Bros. after playing any of the newer incarnations for a while? The speed is glacial.

He's not as old as he looks - he's only 66, and only has one more to write after he finishes the current one. He'll totally make it.

"Did we take care of all of your journalistic needs in a timely and satisfactory fashion today? Was my journalist service reliable, and did I accurately and politely respond to your concerns?"

The narrative is that it was a tsunami, so natural causes. Nuking their cities would have been a total Ghandi move.

How are they ensuring that you're the account owner and not the hacker with the password change? (I haven't logged back in yet, at work)... are they doing e-mail authentication or something?

Shouldn't need to. If you're signing into Twitch through facebook, Twitch has no knowledge of your facebook password at any point.

Well, shucks. I'm almost used to rotating these passwords by now.

TouchTone is a deliberately political video game, out for iOS now.

Just thought you should know, your comment reeks of pretentious hipster-ness.

I'm probably going to buy it regardless. DA:I was phenomenal.

How in the world did they not kill any of the legendaries?

Thumbstick. Not c-stick. That's definitely not the same one. And I had a gamecube and played it extensively.

I'm assuming this is just a stunning display piece, because that thumbstick looks mighty uncomfortable to ever use.