I really distance myself from Christianity, but going to Catholic school for a really long time, I learned a lot of biblical BS, so....
I submit that Sandshrew should be the new mascot. Much stronger than crappy old Pikachu.
Speaking of fallacies, you seem pretty confident that you've got your bases covered... assuming that their either isn't a God, or there is and it's the one you believe in. What if neither of those cases are true?
Nice false dichotomy. You could also live in such a way where you're not a complete asshole, and you'll probably come out alright either way.
Fair enough. I misread that as more snarky than it actually was, on a second look.
Same here. I live my life so that I'm happy if there isn't one there, and I'm also happy if there is one there. That okay with you, boss?
. And I think that God is understanding of people who try to do good, even if they don't necessarily believe in Him
Going to Catholic schools for 14 years killed my faith. If nothing else does it, that will.
if you can't understand that trying to beat your friend in a race and consciously trying to set a world record are different, then I can't help you.
Because the fastest guy runs the world record time every time he races, right? You don't think people casually compete with Usain Bolt in Jamaica?
accident: an event that happens by chance or that is without apparent or deliberate cause.
One of his last tweets. Kick the habit man.
"Fuck with the chickens, and you get the beak. Ha-ha!"
Man... Side note, don't google image search "Dick-based torture machine".
Ha, I know. I'm just being an idiot.
I thought at one point, the Trainer number was the easy way to spot a hacked Pokemon. But here, it looks like you put in all of the Trainer information. Is there another easy way to spot them?
Dude, I can't believe I watched Ren and Stimpy as a kid. That show was so fucked up. And amazing.
Exactly, and she did an amazing job of being very specific in her examples of what was wrong, and what needs to change. I thought that was the most impressive part of her talk.