
I am old enough to remember the Thompson crap, yeah. I actually wrote a few lengthy research papers debunking the video games causing violence stuff, there's a lot of great studies on the subject.

I definitely agree, Grade A assholes.

Eh, I think a lot of this is Wal-Mart's fault for not enforcing a one-per-customer rule.

You seem to be under the impression that this kind of change happens overnight. GamerGate and Anita and this whole argument has been going on in the media for what... a year? Two maybe?

Just look at the attention she's garnered through her talks and activism. She's been very effective. All she's bringing is awareness and pointing out the problems, and that's all that she needs to do. Whether you like it or not, it's worked. Developers, gamers, and all kinds of people now have the issue on the table,

Doubt it. Shame is a powerful motivator.

Agreed. And I have the right to speak up against you, and so on. EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHTS. So many rights.

Who is forcing anyone to do anything?

Have you stopped to think that your condemnation of her speaking out against these things is not so different from her condemnation of female tropes in video games? If you feel that the creative voice of developers to make what they want shouldn't be silenced, then you should also feel that Anita's voice speaking up

You monster.

Avoiding things that marginalize a group of people is perfectly okay.

That reaction time though

I, uh... what? She's calling for less gender inequalities in games. That's a problem?

I always thought that was kind of a silly element of tennis. Guys do it too, every hit.

Such well-manicured nails for someone who so lazily trims their beard!

These all seem super reasonable to me. I mean, obviously there's gotchas here and there, like women anatomically have more junk in the trunk than men, and I like the idea of characters who can use sex and their gender to get an advantage (Xenia from Goldeneye comes to mind, she never struck me as "weak" or

Thank god Link is a (mostly) silent protagonist in the games.

Beating Dark Souls with a Wii Balance Board?

There's no way these are the same person. NO WAY.