The real most enthusiastic Counter-Strike player ever...
The real most enthusiastic Counter-Strike player ever...
Maybe I'm just getting cynical, but man, this just seems like the epitome of bland kickstarters. Blah game name, blah trailer making generic, tired promises. The game could be amazing, but I don't know if they could have picked a lamer, "safe" way to market it.
Ah. I usually hear that termed the "wind chill", here in 'Murica.
You, get out. Now.
That envelope fire hazard though.
Mess? You call that a mess?
Seems to me that Marc Merrill is just looking to paint Lucian as a bad guy, so that when Riot takes down the stream later they can avoid some of the backlash and bad press.
Pretty much my exact reaction too.
Thank you. I always imagine it has to be a soul-crushing experience to pour your energy into an intensely complicated and massive game development project, working hours and hours of overtime to make less than you could in another industry, only to release it and have people tear it to shreds.
Oh for sure, I can't deny the incompetence. MCC is a disaster. Easily my biggest gaming disappointment of 2014 (and turning into my biggest disappointment of 2015 as well, if this keeps up...)
And you think those development teams have something to do with each other... how?
You realize that Microsoft didn't develop Halo: MCC, right?
Not to mention it's games from across different systems, running on different architectures.
Not having an OS-level rumble feature has absolutely nothing to do with why Halo:MCC is buggy.
Your post shows how little you read the rest of the comment thread.
You're a funny guy.
No one wants to see those moobs.
After going back and reading the evidence and watching a couple videos on the issue (and reading your well-thought out comment), I do agree with pretty much everything you said. Thanks for taking the time to post something so coherent.