
The 30-pack of incense for a single coin (which any player who has ever put anything in a gym should have) is the key here. In addition to doubling the length of time an incense lasts, they also made it so you no longer need to walk to get the most value out of it- people are reporting a consistent spawn per minute

Look, I know nobody likes thinking about the awkward Anakin/Padmé scenes Episodes II and III gave us, but they were clearly going at it pretty regularly.

Jar-Jar was a decorated war hero, largely responsible for brokering a peace between the two peoples of Naboo, and was chosen as a representative of his planet in the Galactic Senate. While a recent novel does reveal that he became an outcast again after people blamed him for the rise of Palpatine, in the time span

It’s John the Baptist’s fursona!

Yeah, some Pokémon can’t go to Galar and will just be stuck in Home until a new game comes out that includes them. Right now that’s actually over half of all existing Pokémon- the updates that are coming along with the SwSh DLC will allow roughly 200 more in. Once that happens, if you were to import a full living dex

It’s worth mentioning that the book and movie diverge in other places. For example, in the movie Stewart is adopted; in the book his mom just gives birth to a mouse for some reason (also it’s implied that he’s not a mouse, but a mouse-sized human with mouse-like features).

I’ve always preferred the VGCats explanation: his head is just shaped like that.

Having to pay for online is just the reality of the current console gaming ecosystem. Sure, it sucks, but it’s also not really fair to frame that as a problem unique to Pokémon. I do think Home should have been an evolution of Bank at least and not a whole unique service, but if it ends up having a trial period like

It was mentioned in the Direct. It makes sense that they’d add the Pokémon in a free update for compatibility purposes if nothing else- that way they don’t have to scan DLC teams to see if they can fight a non-DLC team, everyone playing online can interact in the same space. Restricting trades & transfers sounds like

To be fair, the 200 Pokémon will be added to the game in a free update. They won’t be catchable, but if you have Home or someone willing to trade with you you can still use them.

I liked Avatar too. And I think most people liked it when they saw it, regardless of what they say now. But I don’t think anyone other than James Cameron and Joe Rohde loved it, and that’s why it’s in such a bizarre place culturally.

They weren’t afraid. They just couldn’t use it because 7 ate it.

Honestly, the worst thing about the Switch’s UI is that the 3DS does it better. In a vacuum I would say that the Switch’s home menu is barebones and underwhelming, but not so terrible that it actively hampers my use of the system. But the 3DS is proof that Nintendo can do a better system menu, making the Switch’s poor

For as much of a mistake it typically is when prequels (in general, not just Star Wars) try to tie in too much material from their original work, Naboo really should have been Alderaan. I agree that it was a very well-designed world, but I think it’s also easy to dismiss it as “planet that we know never comes up in

Oh, Mantis absolutely is a threat one-on-one, and her using her powers on Thanos would have been great. But her problem is basically the Black Widow one- she works great as a spy/assassin, where if she gets the drop on someone it’s over. That doesn’t translate to the front lines of a large-scale battle, but rather

My favorite part about that scene is that they all show up like they’re there to back Carol up, then after a few of them take out an enemy or two apiece Carol just plows through them like she could have done from the start. Her response to Peter’s question of her going alone should have just been “Yeah, I got this”.

Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon had 561. 400 in the Alolan Dex, plus over 150 more through things like Island Scan & Ultra Wormholes.

It’s probably the best possible solution that can be implemented at the OS level. Nintendo could implement some sort of standard for text in games going forward, but there’s no way for them to implement a feature that retroactively fixes the issues in games already released. Dealing with this issue properly is a

Though these cards are obviously not tournament legal, falling squarely into the Silver-Bordered world of “Cards that don’t actually work with the rules of the game”, there are a couple of official rulings on Twilight’s activated ability. Since cards do not exist for Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and