
Ditto not being able to copy faces is taken from an early anime episode about a particular Ditto that had trouble with that. The Ditto in question is seen as abnormal for not being able to copy faces, and manages to overcome the problem by the end of the episode.

I’m fine with calling them mobile games, if nothing else to redeem the term. The fact that controller & TV support is there definitely blurs the line a bit, but as long as these games are being made with mobile devices in mind I think the term is appropriate. At the very least I’d say you would need to analyze them on

I don’t have a problem with franchises spanning multiple console generations. But we aren’t talking about a franchise here. We’re talking about Final Fantasy VII, which is just one game. The fact that the remake is split up into parts at all should already have everyone skeptical. But since it’s split up into parts,

There’s no way this gets finished in a single console generation, right? Anyone wanting to play the entirety of FFVII Remake on a single console will surely either have to hope the PS5 has backwards compatibility or purchase the first part(s) again when the inevitable compilation version comes out.

Yeah, I don’t know who Dissidia NT was made for, but it certainly wasn’t fans of the original two games. I’m still hoping for an HD remake of Duodecim.

I don’t think the Photography sidequest is in this version, despite the color dungeon persisting. Honestly, it makes sense- that sidequest was just as much about making you feel better about having bought a Game Boy Printer as much as anything. Plus it made 100% completion annoying, since as you said you had to steal

The NES Zelda also didn’t let you pick up things and throw them. That convention was established in A Link to the Past, which is why it carried over here.

The game definitely tries to have it both ways, putting Byleth in charge of the students (to justify the player’s ability to command and reclass them) but also immediately pointing out how Byleth is closer in age to the students than the other teachers. It wants the player to see them as peers in social contexts and

And several Dragon Quest main characters!

Also, Harvest Moon games released after 2013 aren’t actually Harvest Moon games.

Also there’s no reward for landing on Free Parking or extra Salary from directly landing on Go.

In Japan, it’s almost universally O = confirm and X = cancel. It was decided that the other way around made more sense in the west, and since then most games have swapped the two for localization.

Ah yes, Asimov’s lesser known Three Laws of Fish.

as well as the Super Nintendo version of The Lion King

One of these days I will actually finish Final Fantasy XII. 

Only 8? Amateur. 

Take a look at the screens. He’s catching Rayquaza, which means he did a raid. Given that he’s the kind of guy who has eight phones for Pokémon Go, it’s a pretty safe assumption that he either knows where the best spots to check Gyms for raids are or is plugged into a Discord server that called it out. It’s actually

The thing that always struck me as weird about the Wii U Earthbound Beginnings is that they kept the name Giegue for the final boss, rather than change it to Giygas. I suppose it’s because they took the unreleased NES game, changed the title screen, and didn’t think too much about it. 

I assure you, Spiders-Man is something else entirely.

There are already two R-rated films set in the Spy Kids universe- 2010's Machete and its sequel, Machete Kills.