
Sure, it’s why Toadette is named as she is- she’s the female Toad. And if this character were just “Female Bowser”, then Bowsette would totally work as a name. But it’s not just female Bowser, it’s an amalgam of Bowser and Peach, based on an existing amalgam of Toadette and Peach. The existing amalgam character uses a

The Japanese fanbase has got their naming conventions in order.


Toad and Peach don’t make Peachette though. Toadette and Peach do. The distinction in this case is pretty important, unless you’re going to suggest it’s a coincidence that the Peach/Toadette amalgam character’s name is also a portmanteau of the base characters’ names.

It bothers me more than it probably should that she’s being called “Bowsette”. Peachette is a combination of “Peach” and “Toadette”. The Bowser/Peach combo should be “Bowseach”, “Peachser”, “Bowpeach”, or something along those lines.

The vanilla game costs the exact same on Switch as it does if you buy it directly off the Steam storefront. It’s also $20 on Microsoft and Sony’s digital stores. Yes, Humble Bundle can get you some amazing deals, but that doesn’t mean every game should always be its Humble price forever.

Diagonally means “along the diagonal”, and a diagonal is the line drawn between opposite corners of a quadrilateral. So, yes, “diagonally” can only mean from corner to corner. What you described is just an uneven cut.

Excuse me. A sandwich cut diagonally is still cut into halves. This kind of egregious error has finally pushed me over the edge, and I demand a full refund for all the content I have purchased over the years from Kotaku Dot Com.

Bowser said it wasn’t Peach. But when she was accused of being his mama, she seemed to accept the situation as plausible. So, one of three things are happening here: Peach doesn’t know where babies come from and thinks it’s possible that she could be a demon-turtle’s mother and not know it, Peach gave birth to either

Yeah, though it's revealed relatively early on and has several hints toward it right away. It's not THE big reveal of the game by any means, but it is treated as a reveal. 


My answer to the Batman vs Superman fight is always “Whoever instigates”. The reason being that if Batman wants to take Superman down, he has the knowledge and resources to make that happen. If Superman just woke up one morning and decided Batman needed taking out for some reason, Bruce is a stain on the batcave wall

Which makes sense if you think about it- why would Superman know how to actually fight? Oh sure, he can throw a punch, but when you’re living in a world of cardboard you don’t learn how to fight someone on even footing. Someone who’s used to being unpunchable ought to have no idea how to handle being punched, and even

I just picked Stardew Valley back up yesterday, and intend to do some more work on my farm this weekend. Get out of my head.

“Questprobe - Spider-Man” (a text adventure in which Spider-Man can close his eyes, walk forwards and die from breaking his neck)

Even if Poo hadn’t died, Mitch was poised to win since he still had the Hammer Suit. GrandPOOBear acknowledged this in the interview after the race- the amount of time the Hammer Suit saves you in killing Bowser is pretty significant compared to the fireballs, and Mitch was just close enough behind him that the faster

Ooh, I’m sorry, but you have just been Wrong on the Internet™. Your prize for the day will be an avalanche of replies explaining your mistake.

Now playing

One thing Chrono Trigger does really well that gets overlooked compared to, well, everything else that it does really well is its pacing. Every moment matters, the game never lulls or tries to pad itself. This is something even more appreciated today, where many games treat hours of content as a high score to be

What part of “DON’T YOU DARE DISAPPOINT VEGETA” did they not understand?