
But what about Street Fighter: the Movie?

No, I don’t mean the 1994 movie starring Raul Julia and a bunch of other people who don’t matter. I mean the video game adaptation of the movie adaptation of the video game.

My bet would be Nebula, actually. Whether this happens in Avengers 4 or Guardians 3 is anyone’s guess, but Nebula feels like the best bet given her character arc so far.

Honestly, all they really needed to do before was rent out some extra cell towers to deal with the extra coverage. And in all fairness, it was a completely predictable concern- anyone who has been to a large event knows that cell reception can be spotty when you have significantly more people than expected all in the

I hope they do more events with that Slowpoke suit like they do with the Pikachu costumes. It’s actually pretty adorable.

As much as I’ll always be a little bit bothered that they put Zangief in the Villain Support Group, he just makes that scene so much better. I can’t really imagine it working with another character.

That line is talking about the Crash Bandicoot trilogy: it came out last June for PS4, and will be out for other platforms July 10.

I love how obvious it is that the person who held the Joy-Con for that promotional image has clearly never played a video game in their life.

I love how obvious it is that the person who held the Joy-Con for that promotional image has clearly never played a

“In our world, every storm has an end. Every night has a new morning. What’s important is to trust those you love, and never give up. We must all keep hope alive...” 

Adding to the mythos behind the truck: what made so many of us (myself included!) convinced that blasted truck had something to do with Mew is that you will never see it unless you go out of your way to try something silly. The truck is in the port where the S.S. Anne is docked, and normally the ship sets sail after

Nintendo is, by and large, approaching DLC much differently than most other companies. There are exceptions on both sides, but most of Nintendo’s post-release content has either been free or substantial enough to be well worth the cost. If Nintendo’s attitude toward DLC were the industry standard, I believe it would

Once again, my dreams of LEGO Dabney Coleman have been thoroughly dashed.

I think part of it is that the Switch is very good at being a port machine. The portable nature of it means it actually offers something new for previously home-locked games. Plus, the Switch has a pretty unique base, so anything you re-release has a pretty good shot at reaching a decent-sized crowd that it couldn’t

Someone tell him Hillary Clinton tried to do this over a decade ago, and how great it is that he’s trying to honor her legacy. That should get the whole mess shut down quick.

Now playing

I have a soft spot for any song that riffs from Pachelbel’s Canon

It’s also notable for the time “Fly Me To The Moon” was dropped into a battle and made me think, “Oh shit it is ON.”

Nintendo’s relationship with this franchise is fascinating to me. It feel so strange that they would basically adopt it into their ecosystem, yet it seems to be working out well enough.

Ghost Trick is one of those games where I see it mentioned and I feel a compulsion to tell everyone in earshot to play it. Definitely worth checking out. If you can’t track down the DS version, the iOS version is a perfectly acceptable substitute- the original was pretty much all touchscreen anyway, so it’s a pretty

Secret of Mana has been re-released/ported three times in less than a year’s span if you count the PS4/Vita remake as a single event: first in the Switch collection, then on the SNES Classic, and now this. Yet the Switch collection shows no sign of getting localized, the SNES Classic doesn’t support a third player,

A friend of mine played FFVI for the first time on Steam (which uses the same base as the mobile remakes), and absolutely loved it. The visuals are definitely a downgrade from their SNES originals, but V and VI are such excellent games beyond their spritework that they can survive taking that hit. There is a control