Wonton Disregard

Protest “fashion” and douchy people all you want... but assault is assault. He should be charged. I’m not a fan of Gigi or any of her ilk, but good for her for fighting back.

D. None of the above tacky ass shit, y’all

I would pay for that!

A universe full of stars for you!

Fuck the fucking fuckers.

Um, no, that was sarcasm. I graduated from Baylor but will never attend a game or do anything to associate myself with them again. I had hoped the shit we went through in the 80s (being slutshamed and blamed when reporting assault, sexual or otherwise) was not going to keep repeating itself. I am done with Baylor’s

Actually fake TV President, I CAN believe both sides are equally unfavorable.

Unlike rapey former players, we aren’t allowed in the stadium. (Nor would I actually go there, I can’t stand even watching them play anymore).

I broke several bones in my foot last year and these would have been great. Yes, they look like medical devices.

Stars, stars and more stars!

I’ve decided I’m in the Deadspin greys cuz all my deadspin comments are on Baylor posts. Conspiracy theory. And aliens.

I would pee my pants if that happened. So.much karma!

Come sit by me in the embarassed Baylor Alum section. We are the ones with “FU/BU I want my/my parents money back” tshirts on.

I wear them to garden, within the confines of my yard. I do not wear them in public, ever.

I wore them as a bartender in college in the 80s. Deep pockets for all the cash/bartending gear/associated paraphernalia


Why? No one needs to change their name. My husband certainly didn’t care. I am a professional and my name is associated with my business. Changing it would have been bad for business. If you want to change it, great. If not, don’t. Why should anyone care?

Axe smells like ass. Or highly fragranced ass.

Isn’t everything posted to Bookface propaganda in one way or another?

I think bald women are sexy too!