Take a salmon filet, spread dijon mustard on top, then everything bagel seasoning. Bake. Eat.
Do you know how you initiate your ring at a&m? You put it in a pitcher of beer and drink all the beer as fast as you can at a hole in the wall bar called the dixie chicken. How do i know this? I had to witnezs my sister complete the task and then barf.
“or other bread option...”
Whatever it is you are doing it wrong.
Jesse hit on me at a party. In front of my husband. Douche.
“Rompers” are stupid too. Grow up.
Rich appears to be the only one trying.
I don’t even feel like you guys are trying very hard.
But will those ads be for women-owned businesses so we can shop? They get no clicks or ad revenue if we don’t shop.
Shep, will Kinja deals be supporting the protest tomorrow by only posting ads from women owned businesses?
Shep, will Kinja deals be supporting the protest tomorrow by only posting ads from women owned businesses?
Bobby will feel right at home among the content-less.
No shit Captain Obvious.
Or Shep could volunteer to write articles in place of one of the female writers. But yhat won’t happen...
I wonder if Jezabel and Lifehacker will refrain from posting “deals” and shopping links tomorrow?
Will Jezabel and Lifehacker refrain from posting “deals” and shopping links tomorrow?
I remember I remember Austin before SXSW. It was a much better place...
The judge should stfu. Chloryform plus duct tape does not equal accident.