If it were me, I would go home and change.
If it were me, I would go home and change.
This gif is everything. Prince definitely does not approve of these twats.
There is nothing redeeming about either of these self-absorbed twats.
I’m going for, “What team management is completely frakking tone deaf for 400 Alex.”
But they are incessant fuckers. Think of the innocents!
Just a regular comet would be fine.
Niddle me this...
Niddle me this...
I’m having difficulties watching a teenager with a combover. Why does she do this to her hair? Is she bald in front?
2 buck chuck makes yummy sangria....
I can’t stop watching this...
I have this system too and i highly recommend. Easy to use, great sound and super easy setup. Great price.
I have this system too and i highly recommend. Easy to use, great sound and super easy setup. Great price.
Quitters gotta quit
If you are interested in a funny mystery series that also examines Roman daily life and often the interesting things they ate, read the Falco series by Lindsay Davis. So, so good.
Un-iced pop tarts with canned cream cheese icing slathered on top aid in recovering from PMS and/or general bitchiness. Cream cheese icing is my go to...
Grabbing my wine, be there in a sec!
I’ve been known to invest in a box of frosted raspberry pop tarts in time of need. NOT THE BLUE RASPBERRY ONES. Regular raspberry, but they are much harder to find. Raspberry toaster pasteries are also decent.