TXP True

Mine in the early 1970s was essentially a child size lawn chair with foam and vinyl. I’m sure the safety advantage was that the seat position. It was high enough that a child would fly over the dangerous metal dashboard, through the windshield and free of the crashing car.

Sounds like you’ve never learned sound investing strategies and never invested. Statistics on investmenting over the past 30 years proves that regardless of the amount of money invested, people do make money with a long term (5+ years) strategy. The stock markets fluctuate, but over time, they have appreciated. I

I guess I’m not following you.

Well then, count yourself lucky you didn’t try the 1st gen.

The 2nd Gen Volts were actually not bad. Better than the Bolt in many ways. About the time GM started getting the Volt right, they gave up to focus on the Bolt.

As strong as Tracy Rust Alloys are, they may not have withstood the 4 points of contact of the Changli. Better to be safe than sorry and put down the plywood. Plus it will ensure that if anything falls out of the Changli, it will stay in the truck bed.

Educate yourself on ‘stand your ground’. It’s not what you think it is.

The police cannot always protect people from doing stupid stuff.

Seeing as how Tesla’s Autopilot is designed to be far superior to the average Tesla driver, the driver should only take over when the Autopilot engages the driver.

My father was like that with his ‘fleet’. He had a deal worked out with a local mechanic that when things were slow, the mechanic would work on the one vehicle that my father had over at the shop at a discount. Always ensured the shop had steady work. Once that one was fixed, by father would pick that one up and drop

Not saying that at all. FCA is required to contribute a certain amount based on factors of the workforce, not some arbitrary amount that someone pulled out of their RNG. Now if they are overpaying now and need that overpayment amount later to pay other workers, that money will not be in the fund. It’s not a magic

Technically, yes, but you speak like a true victim-bully that goes around doing everything they can to bait someone into giving you a whipping and then crying about it.

5. Nissan NP 300 Hardbody (yep, the ancient Hardbody still outsells the new Navara. What’s wrong with this picture?)

It comes down to the question: Should you keep money that is not yours?

Question for you.....Is the money that FCA pulls back going into a general fund or is is going into a fund for future unemployment payments? If it is going into a fund for future payments, would it be okay to tell the workers in the future that they get less money because the fund is empty and workers that came before

5th Gear:

3rd Gear:

Now if only a new Acura dealer opens up in my area. The existing one is still staffed by rocks. Maybe I’ll wait until I can buy a 4 year old car and not have to worry too much about getting warranty work done there.

Wouldn’t go so far as to say planes. Outside of the military section, I see most stories about planes as negative. Especially if you combine airplanes and the airlines. Together, they rank slightly below orangemanbad.

Is driving to a family’s house really evading?