TXP True

Physical impossibility of being a single mom, but she was. She was also going to nursing school during the day, along with half the other of the women working there.

Nice chatting. Have a good day.

Patriot” isn’t exclusively an American thing. For all we know, Ghosn may be a Lebanese Patriot. Heck, I’m sure he’s an automotive Patriot to some people.

The US Government only really “erase” people when they do something really bad against the US Government. 

I’ll let that bother me about as much as a raging delta bravo BMW driver calling me a delta bravo for not letting my blinker signal 3 times before I changed lanes.

Ahh, glitter. Brings me back to my youth. One good lap dance and you are vacuuming glitter off your clothes, car and couch for weeks.

Observation. People that are the original definition of snowflakes using that term to describe the people that called them that in the first place. It’s like gay people calling non-gay the f-a-g-word or blacks calling non-blacks the n-word or if cats could talk, calling dogs the p-word. It seems like a case of frustrat

In this hyper-bias society, the lack of bias is, itself, a gross display of bias against those that are bias.

I bought some metal cut off wheels year ago from HF that actually said “No cut steal”. Assumed they meant “steel”, but still had the iron girder symbol to indicate it was for metal cutting. They were absolutely correct. They couldn’t cut steel or iron or pot metal. Wore out one disk per 3 cuts of 1/4" rebar. Put on

With first hand knowledge, I second this advice. Cinder blocks are for buildings and walls, not for cars.

I’ll admit I’ve bought a lot of HF shhhhaving cream over the years. Probably had one of most all common tools they sell and a good deal of other crud. Half of it busted and the other half was soooo poor that once I got into a better economic strata, they were replaced.

The Telluride and Palisade are new designs, so longer term reliability hasn’t been determined.

As long as the old folk have good insurance, why bother putting up expensive barriers.

You hit the important part with your last sentence. Finding a good dealer seems to be a challenge.

There were a number of years that one of the engines they put in the KIA Sorento (and eq Hyundai product) suffered premature deaths due to oil starvation. I think they eventually root caused it to metal shavings from manufacturing, poor QC in engine builds and oil orifices that were prone to blockage. Took them awhile

Source please.

We’ll can we knock off the Amazon = Evil trip. That is unless you also figure your scope of transportation applies to how I get packages delivered. Still, that is way more Business than Transportation.

I’ll take a stab at pronouncing it. “Ex aheee ah twelve”. “Ex aheee ah” for short. Kids will probably just call him Eczema. Maybe Twah, shortened like Ell is for Eleven from Stranger things.

Our friends did have an extended warranty and it came in handy since no loaner would have been provided during the period in which they had to contest the warranty denial.

Both of our family friends had to fight the local KIA/Hyundai dealers to get repairs done. Took one 2 months and the other 3 months before the dealer was even willing to start the engine replacement. The dealer was claiming that since the regular service wasn’t done at their places, it didn’t happen. The extended