Politicians never let a crisis pass without exploiting it.
Politicians never let a crisis pass without exploiting it.
There most certainly were riders to the bill outlining all sorts of non-COVID-19 related pork and partisan agenda items. Gender equality and environmental proposals that otherwise wouldn’t stand a chance of getting too far out of committes were and may still be in the 1000+ pages of this “Relief” bill. Dems and Reps…
It would be unfair to divert the trolly and frankly bad for the country. If you divert it, all those families of the ones that got run over will sue the Government for not diverting the trolly sooner. All those that didn’t get run over will be on the hook to pay their share of the expenses for not dyinging and now…
I’m all for more accountability in this relief bill and restrictions on how much bail out money for large corporations, but why do we need gender equality quotas in business and environmental regulations to help people deal with this COVID-19 crisis?
However, it is just easier and more economical for the insurance company to just raise the policy rates and recoup the cost of the payout over time. That’s the great thing about insurance companies. They can raise rates for just about any reason. They raised mine when I called asking about how long I had to file a…
Most cities in the US and a lot around the world have laws saying they cannot be held liable for a host of things. Keeps people from saying they tripped on the cracks in sidewalks and sue for a million dollars.
your vehicle will be destroyed and labeled a “combat loss.”
In an attempt to reduce the instances of people getting COVID-19, my company has decided to have most people work from home since our jobs are generally I/T in nature. However, if you want/need to come into the office, you will be forced to sit in conference rooms with everyone else. Not sure of the reasoning behind…
My biggest worry is for my father. He has several health factors that seems to bump his chance of death anywhere between 5% and 50%.
That seems about right. He was using 2 regular carts and they are XL carts in those warehouse stores.
At my local warehouse club, a guy was buying 10 packs of TP. These are not the 6 roll packs. They were the 6 pack of 6 roll packs. He had another flat cart of bottled water. He didn’t buy much food. Jokingly I asked him if he stocked up on bullets and gold. His response, in a prickish tone, was that he knew people…
Hillary lost because of Russia. That has been, still is and will be the prevailing party line. It wasn’t that she was overly confident in her political power, gender, history in government or DNC interventions.
The Fiero wasn’t that bad.....in its last year of production.....compared to other cars of that era.....from the Big Three. I’m just gonna stop here, waist deep.
While it is true that the popular vote isn’t what actually gets someone elected to POTUS, if popular vote is too far from the Electoral College, it could very likely trigger some legitimate reckoning of the process.
So Ford thought they were fixing a problem with this new tech
There seems to be a lot of taxing the “rich” and canceling debt. At some point, when the “rich” are not covering the costs, the rich that support the taxpayer funded programs will not be the billionaires or even millionaires. Compound this with canceling (sanctioned defaulting) debt, the US will find it hard to make…
But that will require Ford to hire new tech talent that can create software solutions for the flood of data coming from its cars, which will all have modems by the end of this year.
Same here. Build something I want AND MAKE IT RELIABLE.
No offense taken. You speak the truth. The clock is ticking on his driving days. Depending on his declining health, he has between 6 and 12 months left before I take his keys. If he gives me any strong resistance, DMV will get some pertinent info on his suitability to drive. I know he won’t let the keys go easy. He’s…
Some elderly get it and others never truly figure out technology. I’m surprised sometimes when I see a bunch of old ladies out having lunch and they are all on their smartphones sharing what they’ve found online.