
Forget it, Jake; it’s Florida Woman.

*gives Sabathia standing ovation* “THAT’S FOR YOU, BITCH”

Even though he split after five minutes here, the performances he had as a Brewer really endeared him to most Milwaukee baseball fans. The guy didn’t have one bad start if memory serves, and usually went something like 8-1/3 with maybe one run given up.

I actually throw passes with a mini nerf football. The recliner is my #1 receiver, and it’s not even close.

The most underrated band of the ‘90s was Poop Towel.

Oh dear. Bush to Live is a massive step sideways.

From: Steven Moran

You’re a fucking cunt to run your mouth about a legend. Fuck you bitch. You’re nothing without someone to talk about. Come see me.

These ads are getting a little too accurate 

Buffalo buffalo buffal Buffalo buffalo buttholes. 

kind of rude from the President imo

Thinking that it isn’t worth it to be a good person is just what BIG HELL wants you to believe

+3 with 4 twists.

Let me get this right. This fucking guy decided to shoot people that weren’t Larry Nassar?

My guess is that there’s both a compulsory murder charge and a degree of difficulty murder charge for each person. 

the cops, understandably, expect him to flip on any accomplices

Just a horrible, senseless tragedy.