Myrna Loy's Side-Eye

Snyder has now joined the ranks of my personal “Don’t bother to watch a movie done by him” list he is hanging out there with M. Knight Shyamalan

I hope he comes back with the electric blue costume and the mullet. He won’t, but can you imagine?

Some people have seen this film and liked it. Some people have seen it and disliked it. I’d normally say “see it for yourself and make your own opinion”... but I won’t, because I didn’t just dislike the film, I HATE it. I utterly DESPISE this film.

Firefighters usually don’t make-out with their girlfriends while your house is still burning with people trapped inside.

Oh! I get it! The joke is that Kotaku is (let me know if I get this wrong) “SJW Shills” who will never be satisfied with anything?

:| bruh

As with most things, the ‘89 Batman film handled it best. It doesn’t open with Crime Alley (well, it does, but in a clever way); instead, we get a fully-formed Batman already out there doing stuff. Honestly, it feels like the only reason Burton bothers throwing it in is that they made the decision to have the Joker be

Hey, DC, this is how you do a superhero crossover:

Words can’t describe how fucking horrible this movie was. I figured after MoS that it couldn’t possibly get any worse. I was wrong. Snyder has now joined the ranks of my personal “Don’t bother to watch a movie done by him” list he is hanging out there with M. Knight Shyamalan and a few others that just turn out shit

Neo is Cyborg Jesus. He is a combination of flesh, machine & artificial intelligence. In the first movie he and Agent Smith mix programming. They are brothers as Lucifer and Jesus were brothers, both sons of God. For Neo the corruption changed his definition of love from Posession to Sacrifice. For Agent Smith it

“Neo sacrifices himself by returning to the source, thus destroying the virtual reality prison known as the Matrix”


Now playing

This interview is worth checking out, if only to see the mental gymnastics Snyder attempts in order to explain away Batman killing people.

Paul Dini, he already created a shared animated DCU so we know he can do it.

Bruce Timm.

Indeed! Over in Europe, watching this and alternating between being scared of Trump and realizing that this shit-show is going to end up ushering in a Democratic period not just for the presidency, but possibly the Senate & House. To me, this is frankly reassuring, because holy shit Europe is scary right now.

NPR’s The Takeaway interviewed two people who used to be heads of their local Republican parties. One of them was worried that the party would not survive a Trump candidacy.

This morning on MSNBC, he said “If Trump wins, we’ll have to build a wall to keep people IN.” And then “John Kasich would beat Hillary by eleven points, so obviously he’s out.”

“Donald Trump is so orange that he makes John Boehner look like an albino.”

Even he wasn’t this bad.

The only way that Trump would impress me by getting that type of woman is if he was poor.