Myrna Loy's Side-Eye

if Cruz is not the Zodiac Killler he’s at least the Cancer of the party

Which is nonsense, because in a general election Ted Cruz will actually have to explain to people how going from a progressive income tax to a horribly regressive consumption tax will benefit them. He will then have to tell them how gutting social security and medicare will benefit them. Then he’ll need to explain how

He just released his tax plan and I hear it’s good, but I can’t make heads of tails of it:

The funniest was this one posted by Will Holz!:

I am glad they aren’t tainting The Flash (show) with the tone of DCCU.

Zack Snyder says he wants to take the framework of the film and use it for other historical battles for a franchise, Such as the battle of Gettysburg where the north fought shirtless.:

I think those actor pictures with their CG characters for Jungle Book are pretty neat. I would assume another movie with animated characters has done official pictures like this before, but I can’t think of any.

Because Kirby forbid we have any fun or joy in DCCU.

Um, no. They didn’t rename an existing phone. They wrapped existing packaging around the newest guts. It can do things that my iPhone 6 can’t do: 4K video, Live Photos, always-on Hey Siri, 802.11ac networking (believe me, it matters). It also gains speed advantages over my iPhone 6. Just because the packaging is the

Hahahaha you so funny! Well played, truly. Very funny stuff. You should quit your day job.

No they didn’t. This product did not exist before, therefore it is a new product.

That may be true, but the fitbit that has remotely similar features (ie notifications, music, etc) is a similar priced to the apple watch. And does not do nifications or replies nearly as well.

Who gives a shit, the only thing I care about is I now have a 4" iPhone with updated guts that I can buy from Apple in a 64GB capacity with a warranty. Done, bye 6S.

I’m one of those “suckers” with the Space Black link watch and while you call it overpriced (and on some level it sure is) it’s comfortable and easy to use (I don’t care for apps, just watch, notifications, navigation really) and it has yet to have been met with anything other than awe by anyone who’s seen it/held it

“enforced diversity is, in its own way racist”

My 4.7in iPhone fits just fine in my pocket with a case on it.


Apple makes small phones, everyone screams for bigger