I sure wish he would get a sudden itch to take a vacation to visit the Hague.
I sure wish he would get a sudden itch to take a vacation to visit the Hague.
You sound like fun.
I just want to say this was both heartbreaking and breathtaking to read. I’m so sorry for what happened to you but it sounds like you’ve always been and continued to be a fully awesome person. That’s worth a lot.
If that’s true, I’m so happy my wife and I are dullards.
Oh Its a very fair question, and one I’m having a difficult time finding a real answer for to be totally honest. I think part of the problem is that the waters are so black now in terms of purity that even the glimmer of it has made me giddy- that’s hard to overcome and I think If I’m being honest, I was in a state…
See all this shit you’re spewing with all the vitriol? This is the kind of condescending shit that pushes Bernie Supporters even further away from ever wanting to be associated with HRC. If you want to make people hate your candidate by all means, continue this way.
I can explain it since you don’t get it (Honestly).
Windows Phone shade never gets old. (Seriously. I feel so burned by Microsoft after their half-assed ‘Flagships’).
Between his statements listed here and his long overdue endorsement of encryption- I’m starting to accept that he is not a lizard monster.
The only issue with that is that Obama has never been a sitting judge. I do love it for the shitstorm it would create though.
I grew up at Kadena Air Base on Okinawa. The AFRTS channel (Early 90's)was hilariously bad. They had a full set of their own commercials which were hilariously bad. Many had to do with “OPSEC” or Operational Security (be careful what you say!) But some were just little songs about not shopping at the commissary when…
Perhaps the Bernie supporters could take a collective deep breath and save their ammo for a slightly worthier cause?
I wouldn’t worry too much. It will be a short tenure as Education Secretary given that Drumpf wants to cut the Department of Education altogether.
I concur. As evidenced by my Screen Name.
This “Every animal is a certified service animal” bullshit is really starting to irk the shit out of me.
I just want to say bravo to you for having one of the very few reasonable posts in this thread.
Sure thing. Someone who is essentially agreeing with you but asking you to realize that your condescension to people with a different viewpoint even if they are idiots, drags you down to their level is clearly trying to troll you.