Myrna Loy's Side-Eye

Just an off topic Microsoft rant:

Raping children isn’t actually like any of those things but ok.

Anyone who preys on innocent children deserve the worst.

While I get your general point, we are talking about people who take advantage of children (directly or indirectly)....

I hope they eventually decide to live in one settings interface rather than the two they support now. What I mean is, I can access Windows of old devices and printers interface in Win 10, or I can access “Devices” in Win 10 style. Though I like using the control panel to do what I need, I don’t like the mix between

Sorry, but 10 still sucks and will no matter they do to it until they lose that fucked up piece of shit interface.

Everything I want for “Live Tiles”:

After he’d been a prominent character and contributed to the storyline and whose presence (and loss) is still being felt. It wasn’t just popped off in episode with “Fisk wants that reporter, Ben Whatsisname dead. He’s a little too nosey.” They’ve done it, but in the best possible way because we all just knew Ben

That is NOT to say Marvel hasn’t killed off character favorites though. See: Ben Ulrich.

Did you sleep through the release of Age of Ultron? Because if I read another dumb think piece about how horrifying the relationship between Black Widow and Hulk is, I’m gonna yarf.

I was going to see this movie out of curiosity. Then I saw the reviews. Then I said “To hell with spoilers! Let’s see what happens in this movie.”

I know that Kevin Spacey has played Lex Luthor before, but Kevin SPacey actually would’ve made the best lex luthor if they just had him play Frank Underwood as Lex Luthor. Lex also becomes president in the DC universe, so it makes perfect sense. A Frank Underwood Lex Luthor is the perfect villain for superman. A man

The first draft had him make it into a Kryptonite fist. Standards and Practices shot it down though. They said it was too Caligula.

There have been tons of think pieces by critics on Marvel movies. I mean, where were you when Age of Ultron came out? There were lots of them lambasting the studio-mandated Thor’s bath scene, analyzing Black Widow’s role in the group, etc...

It’s probably the Junkie XL / Fury Road synergy you’re feeling.

“But Batman v Superman made $166 million in its opening weekend! That’s an insane amount of money!

And it’s so incredibly short sighted. You couldn’t today figure out a role for him so MURDER FACE SPLODEY DEATH IS FUN rather than just...not killing him so that he might be available when there is a spot for him without creating a plot hole?

Her soundtrack segment ‘feels’ like it came from a George Miller production. What i mean is, it’s awesome.

Then I can’t recommend Daredevil and Jessica Jones enough for you. 180 degree turnaround in atmosphere from the movies, but in the same universe.

From everything that I have read, I can’t tell if “Wonder Woman is great” comments are because it’s a great performance by Gal Gadot or if it’s because she just didn’t completely suck in a movie of generally suckiness. Or they are just happy to see WW on screen they don’t care as long as she’s hitting something.