Myrna Loy's Side-Eye

“The Harry Potter documentaries were the scariest and most disturbing portrayal of private schools that I’ve ever seen.”

Carly Fiorina: “I saw the video, videos don’t lie!”

between this and SCOTUS’s striking down the heartbeat law, it’s a great day for ladies (and gents that care about a lady’s autonomy over her own body)!

Came here to say this. I’d *love* free sex toys. Please, right wing nut jobs, send them my way so long as they’re new!

B...B...BBBBB...BB...B...B...B LISTERS

I enjoyed this Jia. I also just want to say that I am a feminist and if people started sending me a bunch of sex toys in the mail me and all my feminist friends would be stoked. That shit is expensive.

Or LI medium says "I just talked to your father, he told me to tell you that he will see you tomorrow."

Does Seacrest produce this?

You have won the Internet’s George Costanza “Leave on a High Note” joke of the day.

“Stay alive as long as you can - the afterlife is horrible.”

I’m surprised he’s sweating at all with all that cold reading

There might be real mediums out there but this dude and the Long Island Medium I don’t believe. The few time I saw the LI medium she always says the same thing, "I just talked to so & so and they said that they love you.... Blah." Just once I want to see her tell someone, "Oh I just talked to Momma and she still

If we’re talking about purposefully ending a species, can we please start with mosquitos? The ones you mentioned don’t actually /actively/ harm humans, and can be cute sometimes.

Calm down there, Satan.

Except you folks with three arms or your eyes in your torso. That is not normal.

I look nothing like her. If she’s normal, does that make me abnormal?

Thank you. I hate that the headline read “normal” as if being smaller than her is some sort of abnormal thing. Or if you were bigger you were somehow an awful creature.



Can we go with average-sized instead? All bodies are normal bodies, unless we’re perhaps talking about medical literature.