How do you know someone’s a Harvard graduate? They tell you.
Eh not the mountain you want to die on my friend.
Took all 3 posts for me to get it. +3
I think maybe we’re a groundhog’s day situation. I’m going to grab a toaster and get in the tub to test out the theory.
I think maybe we’re a groundhog’s day situation. I’m going to grab a toaster and get in the tub to test out the theory.
I think maybe we’re a groundhog’s day situation. I’m going to grab a toaster and get in the tub to test out the theory.
my liver can’t take it anymore
I work at a photo studio and going through 50 or so memory cards and telling each of the five computers, for each card, not open Photos is ridiculous.
Thank you! I really hate it when photos thinks it has to get in the way of Lightroom.
And yet, this guy is the one positioning himself as valuing the sanctity of life:
There’s a difference between Sanders advising legislators to expand gay rights more methodically and sustainably and Clinton calling gay people a threat to the bedrock of western civilization. See:…
First of all, Hillary did NOT “accept” Planned Parenthood endorsement, she paid for it by giving the CEO’s daughter a high profile job. Planned Parenthood has NEVER endorsed any presidential candidate at the primary level.
Thank you. I got called a “failed feminist” today for supporting Sanders over Clinton. The response to my argument, spelling out where I think Sanders’ record is a stronger feminist one versus where I think Hillary has failed women, was a oh-so-substantive “fuck him, he hasn’t declared himself an “ardent” feminist”.…
Typical Jezebel commenter:
It’s for the cake pops
I am trying to come up with a remotely plausible reason for Starbucks to stock Sriracha, and I am drawing a complete blank.
People who put Sriracha on Mexican food are the worst.
Die hipster scum