Myrna Loy's Side-Eye

Then just wait for a spot closer to open up.

This “Every animal is a certified service animal” bullshit is really starting to irk the shit out of me.

I just want to say bravo to you for having one of the very few reasonable posts in this thread.

Sure thing. Someone who is essentially agreeing with you but asking you to realize that your condescension to people with a different viewpoint even if they are idiots, drags you down to their level is clearly trying to troll you.

I’ve posted this before and I’ll post it again. This article really gets to the soul of the Hillary vs Bernie debate. I think it bears repeating.

I’ve been reading all of your posts in this forum and honestly, this is the one where I realized that you are completely unhinged.

Why do I suspect this is what you say before you go on to proclaim how vile all “Berniebros” are without a hint of irony.

My wife is a Berniebro too. She’s far more vocal about it than I am... and I’m pretty vocal. I did tell her the other night that her outspoken hate of Clinton and support of Sanders made her a mysoginist. She unfortunately looked at me like I had snakes coming out of m face :(

There’s a wild card in the new X-Men that is usually the X-Answer to everything: Jean Grey.

He and his wife on Mr. Robot are legitimately two of the most beautiful people in the known world.


Derp derp derp. Every time some idiot trots out the ban knives bullshit I have to laugh.

I know right? We should totally just give up and let everyone have guns because change is fucking HARRRRRD.

I will never again in my life post these exact words, and once I’ve posted them I’m going to go brush my teeth with clorox and take a shower in Lysol:

Actually everyone posting here thus far is pretty much in agreement to say “Fuck Ghomeshi. He’s a piece of shit.”.

I agree with you there. Though I honestly feel that Bernie is the best of the lot in terms of integrity - or at least it appears that way to me. Truthfully though I’m well aware that almost everyone in politics is a little bit dirty. (Though as I mentioned earlier, I feel like Elizabeth Warren has as much if not more

I appreciate your understanding of what I’m saying. I hated to come off as #notallberniesupporters but lately it’s gotten to the point that you can’t express an opinion regarding your choice without it being questioned. Which- I totally can understand why given the way some are behaving. I just worry that it becomes a

Well- I don’t trust Martin O’Malley either because I can’t deal with listening to him talk about inequality while knowing the bullshit that he pulled while Mayor of Baltimore. So no, it’s a case by case basis. I do follow your point though. But to the best of my knowledge no, it is not internalized sexism. I suspect

I’m going to be honest with you here and you’re probably going to label me as a Berniebro, but whatever. I absolutely hate HRC. Not because she is a woman but because she absolutely always seems to me to be 100% disingenuous. I will vote for her if I have to to keep the insane right-wing at bay, but I will do so with