
Hello. I am white. Just to let you know, we don’t all act like this. In fact, most of us don’t.

Bill Clinton was (is) a sexual predator who was accused of rape by Juanita Broaddrick and of sexual assault by Paula Jones and others.

But she IS a whiny cunt, like you. So... there’s that.

Ivanka Trump is not just a cunt, she is a spoiled, entitled cunt.

You should “get bent” “for real.” I mean I know years of Fox News and trolling have made you the bad ass you are but stay in your lane and stick to pretending you have an IQ higher than a squash

Just saying, its a little strong to call someone claiming fire code wouldn’t allow for locking restaurant doors a lie.

You can’t lock the door when there are patrons inside.

“Calling the police on, and gunning for the arrest of, three white dudes will never be a life-threatening act the same way it is for Black women and other women of color. It’s not even close. Not reasonable to pretend so.”

“Anyone who’s worked service knows there’s a such thing as a locked door.”

The restaurant says they were closed, but the women say the restaurant was open because people were still dining. Anyone who’s worked service knows a closed restaurant often has people in it well beyond the official closing time, and while the public may still be inside, no one new gets to come in.

...written by a person who clearly has barely experienced racism.

I mean given that they’re half supposed to be a sort of joke, yeah I can run with it. Not everything on that album is amazing but there’s a lot of great songs in there, including Toxicity imho.

They like death metal music. I rather enjoy those shirts.

What happens when the ‘detached observer’ observes that Trump is a fucking moron?

Oh wow, not that.

Everything you said is complete bullshit. The routine was pointed, biting, but not “vicious” - unless you define that word as “telling truths that everyone one else is too polite/cowed/access-obsessed to admit publicly”. The flaw here for WHCA is that they caved so quickly and obsequiously before people who have quite

Well, you see, Trump is a hypocrite…

Here is a “left-leaning” response, since that is how we label ourselves now.

“It’s impossible to deny that Apu, a crude Indian caricature, is rooted in racism”

And has typically relentlessly made fun of conservatives and conservative politics throughout it’s run. Recent quality issues aside, and acknowledging that they make fun of “both sides” on occasion, this is the show that has used this very character to dedicate an entire episode to the concept of America as a nation